Sunday, June 26

Makes Me Wonder

It took a long time before I got to write again in this blog. Judging from the lack of comments, no one is left of my three regular readers. It can only be expected of course, having not posted any tissue-paper-worthy-scribbles here since November last year when I mustered that last of my what passes for my creativity in order to spew out my life-draining rant against my self-imposed hell.

I tried to write one or two posts in the time between that and June this year. There were stories worthy of posting, happy experiences in fact but I just did not have the heart to put everything down into writing. My inkwell was dry. Work had cracked the bottle and it all dripped away.

For a long time, I lacked the desire to get a new one and fill it up again. Something came up which moved me to write again. It's something I had not expected and I had no one else to tell so I just had to write it down. Thankfully, no one's reading.

Nonetheless, I hope to get back to writing senseless stuff. Serious stuff gives me headaches.


  1. akala mo lang walang nagbabasa AHAHAHAHAHAHA. anong serious stuffy ito?!

  2. some heady stuff. at least i think it is. lol

  3. heady sounds like something that involves drugs. wanta.
