Wednesday, November 10

What If I Wanted to Eat Dog Meat

I guess I cannot do so now since it is against the Law. Seriously, why should the Government dictate which animals I can or cannot eat. Sure, future generations may want to see a turtle or two and being endangered, I have nothing against that. What about dogs? Are dogs endangered?

I'm not about to snatch anyone's pet. I am thinking we raise dogs like livestock. If we can corral pigs, cows, goats and other four-legged, tasty animals, we can sure as hell put dogs in pens if we like.

So we fix the problem of having people dying because they ate some rabies-infected canine snapped off the street. Sure, you can claim that any person can just get a wandering dog and butcher it and serve it up.

Well, we can say the same about any livestock. Unfortunately, there are not that many who have chickens or pigs or cows as pets but the argument remain valid. Stealing is stealing regardless of what you steal.

Yes, even movies and songs but I doubt many dog-defenders are raising cudgels against movie and music pirates. Heaven forbid that you butcher a dog though, cause that one is unforgivable.

Wait, am I advocating the violent treatment of dogs? I keep saying butcher the dog. Well, no shit. To butcher an animal is what you do to kill it and prepare it into some tasty meal. I am not advocating that we tie up some dog and poke it with hot iron rods or anything so brutal but let's be honest, we butcher animals because we eat them.

What makes a dog so special? It's smart and a companion you say? No shit?! Sure, any animal may display some level of intelligence but they remain just that: animals. We do not raise them into levels of humans because in that way we are lowering ourselves into their level.

Consider the 'advanced' western culture which condemns dog eaters. They have the gall to call those who savor dogs as barbarians and yet, they are the same people who have no problem letting unborn people be murdered in their womb.  As I have heard it put, "They have placed Nature above Man."

My point is we can love animals and all that but let us not forget that their purpose is food and clothing and whatever else we may extract from them. We cultivate them and harvest them responsibly  to provide a sustainable flow of supply.

We cannot let others dictate what we can eat. We cannot treat animals above or equal to humans.


  1. nakakain na ko ng aso nung bata pa ako. masarap.

  2. i never got the chance. my cousins bought some from a carinderia once and well, i don't eat food from a carinderia. lol

    peta now considers you a war criminal, worse that doctor mengele.
